Posted by: Angela | November 30, 2006


Well, there goes that experiment. Overall not a success, but the randomizer was awesome. Thanks Pink Elephant for that one.

I have learned that I am not likely to be one of the famous mommy bloggers whose content is published in mulitple places (unless someone is really desperate and rips it off on their My Space, to which I say that really is no life at all). I can’t even figure out how they make the connections they seem to make and still have time to raise their children because blog reading and commenting just sucks hours from my day. Here other mothers are hosting radio shows and crafting wonderful creations and homeschool their children and I am…well, reading about them doing all these things and wondering what exactly is wrong with me. Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoy these moms’ blogs, they give me laughter, inspiration, and something to think about.

On an upbeat note, I have completed and/or arranged for all Christmas gifts for my side of the family. This knitting thing is actually turning out to be cheaper and getting done earlier. So far, no Christmas gifts have been placed on the credit card.

Oh yah, and there is snow, snow, and more snow here in NW Montana. Let the skiers and Darling Daughter rejoice.


  1. Know what you mean. I often put myself in check to keep the time with my children sacred, and not let the blog creep too far up my list of priorities.

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